For our next event, we will learn about Labor Trafficking. We will look at how one becomes a victim and how the church can prevent the Labor Trafficking of minors and support those agencies that help victims. The fact is that the thousands of unaccompanied minors who enter the U.S. can wind up on a poultry farm or the like,. as a labor trafficking victim. Another example of labor trafficking can happen to former foster children. Once a foster child is emancipated from the system, if there is no family for them to be part of, they may find their way to a temporary shelter and who is waiting for them are the gangs, pornographers and traffickers. The gangs put them to work as do the pornographers and labor traffickers. Once they wind up on a farm or become part of a gang or work for a pornographer, they are trapped and can not leave.
Our speaker is Melissa Gomez who is the Program Director for Preventing and Addressing Child Trafficking (PACT) at CFPIC, facilitating a statewide model of cross-coordination to strengthen child welfare programs who serve young people at risk of or experiencing human trafficking. She has contributed 20 years of service to the anti-trafficking movement and her international and local leadership has been instrumental in establishing multi-disciplinary coalitions and coordinating comprehensive care to survivors of both labor and sex trafficking in Europe and California.
(More details to follow as we get closer to the event.)
Fantastic book for speakers, community leaders and anyone who wants to take effective action. The key to ending human trafficking is to mobilize the community.. We accomplish that by teaching everyone their part, which is the mission of this book.
Many churches want to join the fight to end human trafficking but what is missing is understanding exactly what the role of the church is in ending human trafficking. In addition, anything the church does needs to use almost no resources or money. This book outlines over 30 actions that the church is uniquely qualified to do that will make a big difference in ending human trafficking.
Teens have a natural passion to want to make their lives count, to really make a difference., This book harnesses that passion by illustrating scores of ways teens can prevent human trafficking and support those organizations that rescue victims. The book includes the stories of three, 15 year old teen heroes, true world changers who have made a big difference in this fight. These stories make it real that teens CAN make a difference. You can find the book here.
Through God's Grace Ministry P.O. Box 18065Irvine,, CA 92623US
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