1. Put the 1-888-373-7888 human trafficking hotline number in your phone and share tell your friends to do the same.
2. Let your friends know the best place to buy Fair Trade products.
3. Repost a blog from this site or upload a poster from the Awareness Campaign tab to your social media site and invite your friends to share.
1. Serve Fair Trade Coffee as part of coffee and donuts at your church or Create a Fair Trade Table to host outside the service., or host a table at your church fair. You can use this flyer in a sign stand.
2. Create a drive for a non-profit to raise awareness. Simply call them and ask them what they need. Make sure you have flyers at the table.
3. Create a movie night at your church. "Priceless" is an inspiring true story and includes a faith based component. You need to be careful about movies. Many use the "f" word a lot, show rape and are brutal..
4. Mentor an at risk youth. This takes 6 hours a month with you meeting them twice a month for a couple hours, then communicating in between. by phone.
5. Invite a speaker to come speak during the service from a foster care agency. At their table outside they can answer questions.
6. Take members of your youth group to the local school and ask them what it takes to have those youth start an anti-human trafficking club.
7. Take a group out to post stickers in bathrooms where there are victims like sporting events.
8. Set up an Awareness table at a local mall or Farmer's market, etc.. Shared Hope has flyers you can use. Here is a great flyer you can use from Shared Hope. You can include this flyer to let professionals know where they can get training. See "Awareness Events" in the next section for more flyers..
7. Get a group together and got out and talk to the receptionist at clinics or at the ER and let the know that close to 90% of human trafficking victims will see a health professional while they are victims and hand them this flyer
1. Create an Awareness Event or Freedom Sunday. Here is our flyer to let professionals know where they can get training. Here is the Fair Trade flyer. This one is on 11 Key Ways to Take Action. You can find more flyers you can use on the Awareness Campaigns tab.
2. Become a Speaker. If you feel called to be a speaker, but have no training, then join Toastmasters and get trained. You can use any of the presentations on the the next three pages. Our powerful speakers training video will give you "hot tips" on what works to be a speaker.
3. Do a fundraiser for a non-profit. On our educational resource page is a presentation entitled "How to Raise Money and Love Doing It."
4. Create a home for victims. Simply partner with a non-profits who works with victims or contact Refuge for Women who will help set you up. If you can get 150 people giving $35 a month, you can have a home. One church did that by having members of the church have pot luck dinners at their house and invited a speaker. Then at the end of the presentation people went on their phone to sign up.
5. Start a Celebrate Recovery or The Conquer Series at your faith community to help sex and porn addicts and the men/women who are in relationship with them. The Conquer Series has a 90% success rate with regard to helping men overcome porn addictions.
6. Be a supportive community for victims and survivors of sex trafficking by becoming trauma informed. Here is a document that outlines Do's and Don'ts when working with survivors. There is also videos you can watch on our Educational Resource tab.