At a human trafficking task force meeting, a law enforcement officer introduced the meeting this way….”Law Enforcement is 3% of the solution, non-profits are 7% of the solution and the community is 90% percent of the solution to the end of human trafficking.” This book addresses the 90%. It is the result of hundreds of interviews with community leaders, law enforcement, government, teachers, churches, the FBI and Homeland Security, Survivors of human trafficking and many, many individuals who are taking action. Through God's Grace Ministry hosts over a dozen events a year to equip the community to fight human trafficking. The book is updated twice a year to reflect all that we are learning together as a community, regarding what works to make a difference in this fight. It is the most complete book of it's kind to outline what can be done to end this cruel exploitation of people.
Susan Patterson is the director of Through God's Grace Ministry and has spoke to over 100,000 people on the issue of human trafficking. Once people understood that the problem was not a foreign problem, that human trafficking was the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world, including the U.S., almost all they wanted to know after that was “What Can I Do?!” This book was created in response to the hundreds of questions the author received such as “What can I as a Yoga Instructor, Stay at Home Mom, member of the PTA or Service Club, Ministry Leader at a church, etc., etc., DO?!” Susan continues to inspire people nationally to take effective action.
“Susan is an inspiring community activist who brings her unique skillset to join the battle against human trafficking and shows you how to do the same, right where you are with what you have." Sandra Morgan, Director, Global Center for Women & Justice “When I travel and speak on the issue of human trafficking, one of the first things people ask me is, ‘What can I do to help?’ Susan Patterson’s book, “How You Can Fight Human Trafficking,” is the answer to that question. She has brilliantly taken a difficult and overwhelming subject with many different facets and faces and broken it down so that ordinary people with busy lives can understand the issue and take action in a way that makes sense for them. No matter what your skillsets or talents are, your availability or understanding or lack thereof, this book will empower you to make a real difference both in your local community and around the world. Together, we can eradicate modern-day slavery from our planet.” Cory Nickols, Regional Manager, Los Angeles, Destiny Rescue
“Our organization has a history of connecting the faith community to social causes in meaningful ways, but when it comes to the highly specialized issue of Human Trafficking this has been difficult. Susan's book is helping us do this in real time. "How You Can Fight Human Trafficking" is a clear resource for anyone in the community to engage in the fight right from where you are. Get it, read it, fight.” Adam Anderson, Executive Director, Kingdom Causes Long Beach "If stopping Human Trafficking is something that seems impossible, this book is the key to get you started. Susan breaks down the complicated steps of advocating for children who have been victimized and breaks them down into everyday actions, anyone can take.” Lynn Young, LSW, Director, Local Orphan Care Initiative Saddleback Church
"What You Can Do to Fight Human Trafficking" should be a 'First Read' for anyone who is becoming acquainted with the issue of Human Trafficking. Every page is full of ideas and resources about how one individual can make a difference. As a Chaplain for youth in Orange County Juvenile Hall and Orange County's emergency shelter for abused, abandoned and neglected children, I have witnessed again and again the difference a positive role model and the love of Jesus makes for these kids. This book needs to be placed in the hands of anyone who wants to know where to start battling this terrible crime in their community and neighborhood." Steve Matten, Supervising Chaplain, Juvenile Justice
"This book is a treasure trove of information about human trafficking. More importantly, for those wanting to work toward the elimination of this modern day slavery, Susan Patterson provides a multitude of practical suggestions - no "one size fits all" here - to join the fight in our own communities and to each of our own abilities. Resources and ideas abound, and the subtitle of "Over 100 Ways to Make a Difference" is truth in advertising! Highly recommended for both the novice and the activist." Linda C. Fox, Ph.D , State Policy Advocate, National Council of Jewish Women California
The role of the church is to prevent human trafficking and to partner with a non-profit to serve the needs of victims. With over half a million churches in the U.S. if the church engaged with preventing human trafficking, it would have a huge impact on preventing human trafficking. If we don't prevent it, it will never end!