The purpose of this page is to empower anti-human trafficking advocates to "hit the ground running." Each section includes training videos and interviews with experts. To start, please see this video: that introduces this section. Here is our YouTube channel: (114) Winning the Fight Against Human Trafficking - YouTube
In this video, two community leaders share the approaches the sex traffickers use to trick their victims. You can find the video here.
There is a lot of talk about sex trafficking. But how does the business really work? In this video you will not only learn how the business works, you will begin to understand what you and the community can do about it! The business of human trafficking is thriving because to the average person, this crime is invisible. In the meantime, there are individuals as young as 12 who are suffering through a life that is unimaginable in terms of its brutality. Here is the video.
There is a lot of talk about sex trafficking. But how does the business really work? In this video you will not only learn how the business works, you will begin to understand what you and the community can do about it! The business of human trafficking is thriving because to the average person, this crime is invisible. In the meantime, there are individuals as young as 12 who are suffering through a life that is unimaginable in terms of its brutality. Here is the video.
Men are the main buyers of sex. If there was no more sext buying, there would be no more sex trafficking! What it will take to have men stop buying sex is to engage them so that they educate each other that the majority of prostituted people are victims of sex trafficking. The eight men on the panel for this video are all national and international leaders that are engaging men in the fight against human trafficking. You will have the opportunity to learn from powerful leaders what works to get men involved. Here is the video.
This inspiring video is cohosted by two world class speakers on Fatherhood. Patrick Erlandson is a national speaker. on fatherhood and human trafficking.. Alan Smith is the author of the book "Prized Possession, a Father's Journey in Raising His Daughter." Here is the video.
in this presentation, Tera Hilliard covers vulnerabilities that make one more likely to becoming a victim of sex trafficking.. She then addresses how the church can reduce those vulnerabilities. This video is from an event that was hosted by The National Black Faith Coalition Against Human Trafficking. You can find the video here.
In every Business model, there is Supply, Demand and the Middle Man. If any one of these components is missing, the business crumbles. With sex trafficking, the supply are the victims, the middle man is the pimps or traffickers and demand is represented by the buyers. These 3 videos will give you an insight into how these 3 components work together. This is key to understanding sex trafficking. All three videos will be up by the end of 2022. "Sex Trafficking: Who are the Victims" video. can be found here. "Sex Trafficking, Who are the Buyers" video can be found here. . "Sex Trafficking, Who are the Pimps" video.
In this video we look at how pop culture has made the grooming process so much easier for human sex traffickers. Here is the video.
Domestic Labor Trafficking
Who are the Recruiters
This is a 5.5 minute video that every parent, teacher and youth pastor needs to see. It illustrates how both young children and teens are being approached in order to blackmail them by cyber criminals. It also includes resources that have free downloadable posters, how to report etc. We need to urgently raise awareness before another young child loses their inocense or another teen commits suicide. Here is the video.
This is a critically important event for anyone who works with youth as sextortion and the way AI is being used to blackmail people are two examples of exploitation that is growing faster than human trafficking. With the advent of 5G, cartels and other criminal organization in places as far away as Nigeria, Pakistan and the Ivory Coast and other developing countries now have access to our children. As a result, cyber exploitation has become Big Business! The rising suicide rate from both teen boys and girls from being blackmailed is alarming which is why we need to aggressively raise awareness regarding what is in this video. Our keynote speaker is Opal Singleton, one of the top cyber exploitation experts in the world. Here is the video.
In this video, Opal Singleton, a National Cyber Exploitation Expert brings our awareness to the crime of the Sextortion of Minors, which many consider to be one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. Sextortion of Minors is when a pedophile blackmails a child or teen into making and sending them child porn. The shame these minors endure is unimaginable. They will never tell their parents. Sometimes they will commit suicide to escape the pain. This crime is virtually unchecked because of the lack of awareness. For that reason, it is important that you share this video. You can find the video here.
In order to gain legitimacy, Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as MAP, Minor Attracted Person. Maps is being taught as a gender identity in some colleges. We need to stop this campaign.! Here is the video.
Many people in the faith community feel called by God to end this cruel exploitation of people. and want to set up a group at their church. However they don't know where to start or what works to set up this type of ministry. This video outlines what successful churches are doing that is making a difference. You can find Video 1 of this 3 part series here.
This presentation outlines actions that make a big difference in the fight against human trafficking that a faith community can easily implement.. The Video reviews ways to engage your men's groups, youth groups, etc. Here is the Fair Trade handout and the Professional Training handout mentioned in the presentation.
This video outlines how one task force has engaged over 50 churches in doing an event that engages the whole community in taking action against human trafficking.. Here is the video.
In this video 18 people from 12 different states came together to discuss how to build a strong and enduring Anti-Human Trafficking Ministry. The conversation was very powerful and everyone learned a lot. Here is the video.
This video is an event that was coled by Bishop Gale Oliver and Armand King. Armand King spoke from personal experience as to the destructive path that pimping is and Bishop Gale Oliver who when he found out his niece was being trafficking, met with her pimp to convince him to let his niece go. Here is the video.
In this video a church that has been very successful at raising money for non-profits who work with survivors of human trafficking covers how they organize their efforts and some of the types of events that they do. Here is the video.
It is important that your promote your event in a way so that people feel that there is something in it for them.. This video has some key point to support you in doing that. Here is the video.
This presentation covers the tools to prevent exploitation. This video also addresses how to talk to children who are engaged with an online "boyfriend." Please see part 1 for the PDF presentation. Here is the video.
.We don't have a video for this one but we do have a PDF presentation so youth pastors have something they can use or edit for their own personal use. Please note that videos can not be embedded in PDF. We provided the name of the videos so you can find them at You Tube. You can use the contact us form to email us to ask for the PP version.. Here is the script for the presentation. Here is a great handout from Sowers Education that you may want to use.
This Video is an interview with Hannah Arrowood, the director of Present Day Ministries who works with at risk girls to prevent their victimization. This non-profit created a brilliant game that engages girls who under normal circumstances would not participate. The strategies they use in working with these girls are really making a difference. You can find the video here.
It is important that our conversations with youth regarding preventing exploitation be ongoing. In order to do that, we need to find ways to engage them over and over again, as according to the FBI, there are over 700,000 predators online. This video offers many ideas as well as a look at how the teen brain is set up, so we understand more completely what is important to them. Our speakers were as follows: Hannah Underwood who is the founder and director of Present Age Ministries. Ken Henry who is the Director of Collaboration and Strategy for United Against Human Trafficking. Alfred Lomas who is the founder and director of Inner City Visions. Our MC is Joe Baldo who is the founder and director of Higher Ground who has worked with over 3500 youth. . You can find the video here.
No buyers, no business. This video summarizes in 14 minutes, all the strategies and tactics that we know works to reduce sex buying.
Joe Madison, Director of Demand Disruption, shares with our Engaging Men in the Fight Against Human Trafficking Workgroup, the strategies his non-profit uses to prevent sex buying and how they work with sex buyers so they never buy again. The video is here.
Porn viewing creates fantasies that motives users to buy sex in order to fulfill those fantasies. If we are going to prevent porn addiction, we need to reach the youth. In this video you will learn how a teen youth group inspired 500 teens to come learn about the destructive nature of porn. Here is the video.
Close to 60% of our population has suffered a traumatic event, like sex and/or physical abuse, being in prison, growing up in a gang community, etc, Jesus calls us to be a healing community. When we are trauma informed we are better equipped to answer the call to be a healing community to those who have suffered trauma or abuse. Here is the video..
1 in 6 men has been sexually abused All that unresolved pain leads to alcohol and drug addiction, becoming a domestic violence abuser and even suicide. In addition to resources to facilitate churches to heal men, the men who shared how God had restored them from abuse will inspire you to the depths of your being. Here is the video.
For any church that feels called by God to minister to survivors of sex trafficking, this video is a "must-see." It outlines do's and don'ts so churches can avoid making mistakes that can hurt, not help survivors. Most importantly, you will hear from half a dozen women who were victims of sex trafficking, which will provide insight into how to best minister to them. The video is here. Our flyer on the Do's and Don'ts when working with victims and survivors. is a great reference.
The purpose of this event is to provide “ammunition” so to speak, for those in the anti-human trafficking movement to discourage people from entering into the life of prostitution. The other purpose is to provide the faith community with an understanding of how exploitative the life of prostitution is, so that they are better equipped in their outreach ministrieHere is the video.
Churches can partner with a non-profit to provide a drop in center in areas where street prostitution occurs. These centers have been responsible for rescuing hundreds of victims. Here is the video..
In this video, you will learn from Shannon Forsythe, the Director of Run 2 Rescue, about an outstanding program that equips churches to work with survivors of human trafficking. Run to Rescue provides training and partners with churches to make it all work. It is important that churches get involved in providing a community for survivors to be part of. Without that community, close to half will return to the life of prostitution where they will be victimized again. To find out more, please visit their website: You can find the video here:
In this video we look at practical things churches can do to support non-profit that take care of minor victims .of sex trafficking. Here is the video.
There are thousands of victims of human trafficking in the U.S., yet there are very few beds for them. In this video two best friends got together and with the support of their church, created several church run homes for survivors of sex trafficking.. Here is the video.
You will be moved to the depths of your being by Savanah's story. The reason why this video is in this section is because Savanah has become a parent advocate for a parent empowerment program that serves parents whose children have been trafficked. Here is the video.
In this video Tera Hilliard gives us an insight into the mind set of sex trafficking victims, how street prostitution is set up and what churches need to know about approaching victims As a result of a lack of understanding, sometimes well meaning people actually increase the pain of sex trafficking victims and Tera explains why that is. When we better understand the "culture" that sex trafficking exists in, we change the narrative and as as a result, we become more effective in our efforts to reduce sex trafficking. Here is the video.
In this video, Marlene shares about Pearls outreach ministry to women who work in strips clubs. When Marlene talks about bringing Jesus to these women, it will move you to tears. If you have ever thought about being part of a ministry like this, this video is a must see! You can find more information at their website: Here is the video.
Equipping Survivors with job training
Church Run Diversion Programs That Support Survivors to "Get Out of the LIfe"
Best Models for Church Run Street Outreach
Training for Pastors on How to Talk to Victims and Their Family
In this video, 3 leaders from the black community address how churches can address the normalization of pimping in the black community. You can find the video here.
Dr. Brenda Ingram, a national expert on human trafficking, shares about the challenges the black community and those who work in the black community, need to address in order to save black youth from both becoming victims and perpetrators of Human Trafficking. Here is the video.
In this video you will have the opportunity to hear from Rev. Rafer Owerns a former deputy sheriff and community leader who brought sex trafficking to a standstill in Compton, California. He saw that in order to stop human trafficking, the traditional methods of policing were not enough. So he invited his church and got other churches involved in street outreach, church run diversion programs, working with black youth and other actions that made a real difference in his community. You can find the video here.
Pimps need Jesus to and many want to get out of the life, but need an outreach by the faith community to help them take the first step Here is the video. .
In this video Ken Henry shares about his mentoring program that deters black youth from the glamorization of pimping and provides them a path to success. You can find the video here.
This video is from an event hosted by the National Black Faith Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Proponents of decriminalizing prostitution are claiming that we need to decriminalize prostitution in order to stop victimizing the black community. For that reason, a panel of black community leaders and pastors share how decriminalizing prostitution will hurt the black community and increase the number of victims and the recruitment of black boys to become pimps.. You can find the video here.
This section is being built. We will be adding videos to support the Hispanic Church over the next few months including a power point for parents in Spanish.
We will have this presentation in Spanish by October 2022. You can find it in the Prevention Section in English. This presentation covers all the ways sexual predators trick children into becoming victims of child sextortion and sex trafficking. The power point in Spanish is here for both part 1 & 2. Here it is in PDF format. Please download to your computer and save, before you make any changes. We recommend that you watch the video.
Alfred Lomas, a former gang leader, has saved hundreds of minor from becoming victims of human trafficking is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Los Angeles, His story is compelling. Here is the video.
Here are some great flyers in Spanish. This one is from Sower's education on Pimp Tactics. here is one from the Polaris Project . Here are 2 from the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This one addresses how brutal sex traffickers are. This one addresses the average age of entry being 13. This is a wheel that reviews all the methods traffickers use to exploit people.
If we are going to end human trafficking and child exploitation, we will need to be skilled at mobilizing the community. This video which was a zoom event made up of community and national leaders, teaches one how to do that. Here is the video. Here is the power point from that event. In the video two flyers were mentioned. Here is the handout for Fair Trade. Here is the handout. for professional training.
This video provides lots of fun and creative ideas for raising money. Here is the video.
This video provides signs to look for so that we know when to report suspicious activity in our neighborhoods and communities. Human Traffickers will leave if they keep getting arrested in a community. You can find the video here.
PTA's are a powerful force in schools. They are in a position to really drive awareness raising and this video shows what they can do.
Sex Traffickers use ride share services to drive their victims to their dates and sometimes to "the track." In this video we review the kind of training available to Uber drivers and the importance of their role in the fight against human trafficking. Here is the video.
Bikers Against Child Abuse
In this Power Point and Video, We will examine how through advocacy and being responsible for our purchases can reduce poverty in the 3rd world which impacts both sex and labor trafficking. Coming August 2022. Here is a flyer to use when serving fair trade coffee and tea.
Cory Nichols from Destiny Rescue will share how sex trafficking happens in the 3rd world, how rescues happen and what organizations like Destiny Rescue are doing to heal victims and educate people to protect them from being tricked by the traffickers.. Here is the video.
If you feel called to be a speaker, Toastmasters can provide great basic training. However, if you want to speak on social justice issues like human trafficking, there are dynamics that you need to understand to truly be an effective speaker. This presentation outlines the key points. Here is the presentation in PDF format. Here is the video which provides more detail.
This was really an outstanding work-group because of the caliber of people who attended. Anti-human trafficking speakers who have been speaking for 5 to 10 years shared their experience of what worked to get opportunities to speak and how to keep teens and parents engaged. The other element that made this workgroup powerful is that speakers came from all areas of the anti-human trafficking community. HSI, Government Agencies, Task Force Members, people who speak at churches and schools all contributed. We all appreciated the opportunity to come together and learn from each other. It was a great event! Here is the video.
When we come together as professionals, the faith community, law enforcement, non-profits, etc. we become a force to be reckoned with. it will take that kind of power to end human trafficking. Here is the video.
Contrary to popular belief, when prostituted people, many of whom are sex trafficking victims, are given the opportunity to leave and rebuild their lives, most refuse. This is because they don't believe there is anything else they can do. This video offers several innovative solutions that communities have used to provide more opportunity to those in poor communities, which reduces their vulnerability to becoming human trafficking victims You can find the video here.
Alfred Lomas, a former gang leader, has saved hundreds of minor from becoming victims of human trafficking is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Los Angeles, His story is compelling. Here is the video.
In this video is a strategy that task forces have taken on that is working to reduce the sex trafficking of teens through addressing laws and a powerful campaign to raise awareness. Here is the video.
One of the challenges in working with victims of sex trafficking is that they don't identify as victims. They often identify as prostituted people who are "helping out their boyfriend" and are very hostile to the police. In this video, you will learn how well-trained law enforcement can pierce through that barrier and make a difference in the lives of sex trafficking victims .Here is the video.
Many Cities have taken on closing down their illegal massage parlors. There is one city that completely succeeded in closing down every single one, They went from 72 massage parlors to 35 in 3 years. In this video you will learn their brilliant strategy.
In this video you will learn about a brilliant strategy that law enforcement is employing that is making a real difference in discouraging sex buying in the cities where this strategy is being used. Here is the video.
This event is about equipping faith communities to leverage already existing platforms to mobilize communities to protect the most vulnerable from exploitation. The video will be available end of June 2023
How to Motivate Groups to Take Action
Jamming the Johns, a Proven Strategy to Reduce Sex Buying
How We Win in the Fight Against Human Trafficking
Traffick Free Zones
A Dynamic Model for Community Task Forces
How to Market Oneself as a Speaker